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Saturday 24 December 2011


                             ( YOU TOO CAN ENHANCE YOUR CREATIVITY)  

High energy's prominent physicist (U.S.A.) Dr.Frifjof Capra's statement that the patterns of matter and the patterns of mind are increasingly being recognized as reflection of one another promises thus to open fascinating frontiers of knowledge. Recognition of order (pattern) in field of research on the one hand have been essential aspect of rational activities while notion of order on the other hand plays a very basic role in scientific approach to reality as it is a crucial aspect of our method of observations .Thus ability to recognize order is an essential aspect of cognition. Where every perception of a pattern is , in a sense, a perception of order. After all our body is the physical outcome of all our thought & emotions we have been rearing in our mental plain i.e. beliefs creates biology . However in general , the relationships between mind & matter is so close that it is impossible to enjoy one without other. All gives us vision to devise a mechanism to enhance one's peace and creativity through restoring orderliness of mind (conscious mind ) by characteristic scientifically designed clothes usually exposed most during his/ her working durations.

Since variable oscillating energy layers (VOEL) according to universally accepted field theory in physics is ONE who creates us and the state/style in which these oscillates are the ONE who regulates us .The regulation of oneself on right path can be resolved by splitting the creative energy in its wave aspect (chitta or consciousness) and particle aspect ( soul) on the line of Ancient Wisdom of Yoga (PATANJAL) through mechanism of drawing on the backdrop of variable oscillating energy layers of COSMIC-WEB (say magic wands). The transfer of energy / flow of information in the network of COSMIC-WEB proceed along well-defined line as VOEL are orderly interconnected is what shown by QUARK PATTERN in particle Physics .

The drawing MECHANISM consists of parallel stripes encoded with variable width and susceptible colors in ratios to represent the respective wave & particle aspect of creative energy that transpire peace in mind where peace itself is an other aspect of subconscious mind. Drawing itself will mediate Interaction between conscious & subconscious mind will thus increase creativity .

What appears a object to us is created by mind on the screen of oscillating consciousness(chitta) with help of wavelength of what reflected through VOEL to our senses are capable of perceiving with limited perceptive frameworks. What we see is thus comprised of trilogy of the perceiver , the perceived and the act of perception .When these three merges into unity "I" are the manifestation of universal consciousness,(Quantum theory & Neuroscience). What have written / lay claimed herewith can be confirmed by self cultivated interaction / contemplation .It is worth one's while if be lived up with of similar designed clothes can be confirmed by self-experimentation.

Any layout or object of design if be interweaved in proportion with stripes of variable width, will hold keep emotions under control thus brings peace to dwindling mind and enhance his/her functional creativity through cultivated interactions. Only peace driven mind can take wise decision based on what it can evaluate most quickly is judgmental factor (crucial aspect) of intuitive mind (neuroscience).In other words ,taking wise decision is just an interaction between conscious mind &subconscious mind (peace driven Mind)

Though the peace is subjective process but science manage to convert this subjective process into objective through process of comparisons which is purely scientific method . By virtue of what have learned , experienced along with feedback I acquired till date have helped me to create a handy model of problems which has now become a blue- prints of our design in general. No doubt ,science as it is self-evident objective and possesses ability to rise over all kind of dogmatism and personal beliefs. Experience of peace, although subjective ,but can be attained only when the perceiver (observer) attuned with perceived (observed).

Earth along with all her inhabitants are moving in energetic field, it is continuous propagating energy layers of variable width. These layers are not only responsible for all births (creations) of non-living & living beings in the universe  but  also play crucial role in carrying information through vibrations (consciousness) transmit s to observer’s senses(eyes & ears) and make him enable to see/her are the manifestation of same universal consciousness. It is comprised of three district entities: the perceiver, the perceived, and the act of perception. In the state of realization this trilogy merges into unity “I” (Eternal or Paramatman). It means everybody comprehend the event according to his own “I” but realization peace in different from that and similar to all of us in feeling positive likewise through constant impulses of musical waveforms as net effects reaching through air to ear. It is basically ordered variable layers of sound energy gets strike to eardrums and induces peace in mind.
Our mission is to make people aware how they can develop their insight by being positive. To achieve the mission we crafted a school of designs on the besis of most reliable source of positivity  in Indian classical music. Positive energy is all you need to keep going at your “will” and find your dream fulfilled. Its observation make you emotionally & socially strong to face the complexities of modern life style.

                                                                             Dr. AMRITA GILL
                                                                (Director, Dept. of Science and Tech., Govt. of Rajasthan)

Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.

Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.

Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.

Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.

Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.

Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.

Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.

Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.

Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.
Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.

Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.

Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.

Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.

Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.

Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.

Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.
Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.

Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.

Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.

Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.

Note:- Imitation of either pattern or concept of design is punishable offence under IPC or copyright act as it is registered under copyright act.

Patanjal’s vision is to get controlled over human’s temperaments i.e. the sattava (equanimity/serenity) the rajas(activity/desirous) and the tamas( dull/inactive/inertia).
All are forms of energy (measured in physics’ labs all over the world) oscillates between positive and negative on the screen of human’s chitta, the screen of consciousness. The temperaments as mentioned above are composed of different proportions of energy can be represented in energy layers and accounts for heterogeneous variety in human’s behaviors. As per law of nature, the transfer of energy and flow of information take place through periodic dissolution and their subsequent rearrangement of order energy layers. What appears an object is only so because of the frequency of wavelength that our senses are capable of perceiving through our neurological perceptive operates. Our mind creates three dimensional images on the screen of consciousness from the same continuum of free flowing of energy layers of space.
Whole episode of transformation of energy layers as mentioned above can be configured out in design on the backdrop of transmission and flow of sound energy that takes place while composing classical music. What is seen or heard is meaningless unless those are analysed in terms of peace and turmoil mind is supreme as it differentiate easily between peace and agitation.
Agitation is always affecting our working capacity. Peace can be compared with that of quantum reality of physics its has infinite freedom, energy an intelligence. Quantum mind is, as per modern theoretical physics filled with energy and creativity. All creations such as of matters or of musical songs in the universe are resulted out of this stat of quantum reality. We should all embrace the quantum reality. Nothing is impossible for those who attain quantum reality. Above design has been designed to give the users quick and easy access to quantum reality.


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